Paintimilkavalan and Ors.; Srikanth and Ors.; Ravikkumar v Director of Immigration, Minister of Border Control and Anor. (CL 42 of 2021; CL 49 of 2021; CL 8 of 2021) [2022] TCASC 13 (12 May 2022)

Imprisoned/detained people
Case summary
In CL 8/21 the Court awarded each Plaintiff $76,500.00. In CL 42/2021 the Court awarded the First and Third Plaintiff $75, 700.00 and the Sixth Plaintiff $76,500.00. In CL 49/2021 the Court awarded the Plaintiff $75,700.00.  In assessing damages, the Court's considerations included the Plaintiffs’ initial shock of the first arrest, their injury to liberty, injury to their feelings including loss of reputation, humiliation and disgrace, their pain and suffering, their loss of enjoyment of lives, their period of detention, the conditions of the detention center and aggravating factors including the need to vindicate the breaches of their constitutional rights. The Court declined to award exemplary damages on the ground that the damages awarded were adequate compensation for false imprisonment and to vindicate the Plaintiffs constitutional rights.

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