Related documents
- Repeals Practice Direction 4 of 2020
Turks and Caicos Islands
Supreme Court Ordinance
Practice Direction 6 of 2020
Government Notice 933 of 2020
- Published in The Gazette - Turks and Caicos Islands 97 on 24 December 2020
- Assented to on 23 December 2020
- Commenced on 5 January 2021
- [This is the version of this document from 24 December 2020.]
This Practice Direction No. 6 seeks to replace Practice Direction No. 3 and Practice Direction No. 4 which have ran their course.Commencement:
The effective commencement date of this Practice Direction is: January 5, 2021 and shall remain in force unless it is varied, revoked, suspended or replaced by the Chief Justice.Interpretation:
"Court Users" shall, for the purposes of this Practice Direction, refer to persons necessary to hearings in any of the courts on a particular day, as well as persons appointed to meet with the Registrar, or to use the dropbox for filing and submission of documents."Necessary Persons" to a hearing are: the Judge and Magistrate, Clerk of Court or Registrar, Interpreter, Prosecutors, Defence Counsel, litigants, Police Officers, Prison Officers, defendants, witnesses to be called in the day's proceedings, and members of the media."Court Registry" refers to the Registry of the Supreme Court, and the Magistrate"s Court as applicable"Registrar" refers to the Registrar of the Supreme Court."Clerk of Court" refers to the Clerk of Court at the Magistrate"s CourtResumption of in-person court business:
History of this document
05 January 2021
24 December 2020 this version
Published in The Gazette - Turks and Caicos Islands 97
23 December 2020
Assented to